Friday, December 18, 2009

Once Upon A Time Is Not My Story

Once I read a story not for me
The bedraggled cover was an empty slate
No title did exist that I could see
But finding it had been the work of fate

Inside, the pages torn, there was a tale
Of love, of melancholy, and of woe
The world inside, at that time, did seem frail
As all that was then outside, that did show

And as I read these words from page to page
A transformation had come over me
The characters, friends acting on a stage
I was there trapped as they had all been freed

And soon my mind took over, I was her
The adventurer, the princess too
This was my life, of that I was sure
And I was she, I knew this to be true

I lived through many journeys and found love
As I learned about this precious land
I conquered worlds below and those above
And even stopped the mighty Time by sand

But every book must end in its own time
And when the last page turned I was denied
The life which I had stolen was not mine
It was not for me and so then I cried

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