Friday, December 18, 2009

Once Upon A Time Is Not My Story

Once I read a story not for me
The bedraggled cover was an empty slate
No title did exist that I could see
But finding it had been the work of fate

Inside, the pages torn, there was a tale
Of love, of melancholy, and of woe
The world inside, at that time, did seem frail
As all that was then outside, that did show

And as I read these words from page to page
A transformation had come over me
The characters, friends acting on a stage
I was there trapped as they had all been freed

And soon my mind took over, I was her
The adventurer, the princess too
This was my life, of that I was sure
And I was she, I knew this to be true

I lived through many journeys and found love
As I learned about this precious land
I conquered worlds below and those above
And even stopped the mighty Time by sand

But every book must end in its own time
And when the last page turned I was denied
The life which I had stolen was not mine
It was not for me and so then I cried

Once I Read A Story Not For Me

Tomorrow swallowed by endless Yesterdays
Searching for The Answer
Where do I go from Here?
I am
Sweet words are whispered in the Dark
But these Words are not Mine
I am an Observer
Trapped watching others Live
I hear those Words
Who do they Belong to?
Are they for anyone?
Or are they too
Words of no origin
Words with no purpose but to fill a Void
The Echoes resound off those Cold Walls
And they Disappear
Lost in the unnamed Chasms
What should I think when you whisper sweet Nothings in my ear?
Do they have meaning?
Are they innocent words which end up Misconstrued?
Do they mean Nothing?
Your Whispers leave me Lost
In a Land of What If
And Maybe's
A Land of Ambiguity
Who is this girl you dream of?
And will anyone ever Dream of Me?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sonnet to Love

A lonely ghost upon a darkened hill
Where I reside within a barren land
Should then I find your love I would live still
For love is more abundant than the sand

If flowers are to live they need the sun
Than like to them, thy smile is to me
And were thy laughter gone, thy smile done
Than should I perish most unhappily

I could not do thee harm, more than myself
For to harm you would only harm me more
Thy love, I would not trade for all the wealth
For tis my breath, without which, I'm no more

At Death's Door, your kiss could, me, revive
And with but your love I shall survive

The Waiting Place

Dreary nights and weary days
That pass by in this waiting place
And through the sameness of the haze
We cannot see a change in pace
Here we sit, Wait-ers, all
And though we try, we cannot go
They hear us cry, they hear us call
But for us, no help will show
Trapped here and only us to blame
Racing forward, towards more the same
A nightmare of our own creation
Unsatisfied with our frustration
One day I'll break out but not now
In a few years, then I'll learn how
I'll wait till tomorrows here
I utter this morn' with false cheer
But each dawn comes and goes away
And I wait each passing day
But I still see no change in pace
There's no escape from The Waiting Place

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Tonight I will remember all the times gone by

The friends I’ve made, the friends I’ve lost, the friends I’ve left behind

Tonight I will let go of all of my regrets

Chances lost, and choices made and friends I never met

Tonight I will discover all the world can give

Family who love, friends who help, and a life to live

Tonight I will accept that life is what you do

To be loved-love, to get- than give, to trust you must be true

Tonight I will recover all I’ve left behind

Because anyone you’ve ever lost, you can always find

Tonight I will appreciate all of those I love

There are no better to be found neither below nor above

And when the sun rises with dawn, it will be my brand new start

Of mind, of body and of heart

Monday, September 14, 2009

Light Shines In

As a child
My heart was stone
Strong, unfaltering
But slowly chipped away
By the River of Experience

My heart became grains of sand
Blowing through the Winds of Time
Unsteady and scattered
Small pieces of who I was

The Fire of Divinity
Has fused the sands together
Now it is glass
Delicate and beautiful
The Light of Goddess
To shine through me

I Come From...

I come from.. the wind's past
Blown through life, no anchor'd last
No idea of where I'd be
Or the things that I would see

I come from a world denied
A place where cops and teachers lied
Where people fought and shots rang loud
Where sometimes smog would be your cloud

I come from a home of love
But was snatched away by those above
A world where poverty was a crime
And seeing family was restricted time

I come from a world of walls
A place where barriers were tall
Where children lived, but parents, not
And when the wind stopped, I was caught

I come from a world of pain
Where tears come more often then the rain
Where families fought and broke in two
Where things lasting were untrue

I come from the stars, the sky
And I'll go back there when I die
Where everything exists as one
Until the universe is done