Monday, July 12, 2010

A Fallen Star Will Yearn For Home

Surrounded by the cold night, she burns bright
But longs for many things a star should not
And so she falls and releases her light
Inside a tangled web she is now caught

There is a reason stars are far away
Far from all things which may wander too near
She burned too hot to stand the heat of day
The world was strange and filled her heart with fear

That which had pulled her down still had a hold
And she continued seeking for its source
But the fire inside had turned cold
And her decision now held much remorse

Oh true, she had found love and it was sweet
But she did not belong and oft it showed
Her spark and passion had lost most its heat
The weight of life became a heavy load

It happens when a star falls down to earth
And tries to be that which it knows its not
It loses most its warmth and most its mirth
Into a tangled web, the star is caught

But sometimes for the star it is enough
To learn of things it never would have known
To have learned love, although it might be rough
To trade fire for a light that different' shone

A fallen star will sometimes yearn for home
But even if she could, she would not leave
The tangled web that would not let her roam
Now holds her safe in its protective sieve

A star that comes to earth will change too much
To ever live alone within the sky
They learn to love to laugh to dream as such
That in the empty night they would now die

Sometimes a star will gaze into the night
And feel a tug for home, and miss the song
That she once sang and sent out on her light
And for the past she will begin to long

But the earth is full of those who fell
Who once looked down and wanted to be more
They saw life and love,and could not quell
The longing which took root within their core

Because the stars are watchers of the worlds
They watch the joy and sorrow, life and death
Turtles of the sky, around they swirled
Their lives too long, too slow to see a breath

Some never learn to bear the joy and pain
To bear the quickness with which seasons change
Some never adapt, driven insane
Some keep themselves apart and out of range

But others find they've gained more than they lost
And see the stars and do not need their song
The love they gained was more than worth the cost
They once more hear their song, and sing along

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