Sunday, June 27, 2010

Midnight Confessions

I think of you now
In these moments before sleep
My memory brings images of your smile
The sound of your laugh
I can summon the feeling of your arms surrounding me, protecting me
If I close my eyes and imagine hard enough
I can feel phantom arms encircling me
And hear your soft whispers close to my ear
My heart feels strange
It is a sensation unfamiliar
Of love and longing all tangled up with one another
You are my star
Shining bright
Among so many stars in the sky
And yet to me
No other could ever match your brilliance
No other star holds for me the same wonder
I love you


The moon rises and new nightmares haunt my dreams
Sometimes I fear to close my eyes
Because they are right beneath the surface

I cannot tell now
If they are nightmares
Or dark omens of what awaits me
I have lost my hope
I have lost myself

Shadows are hunting me
They wait behind closed eyelids
And rooms where the light has fled
I wonder, what if this is all that is left?

And each night I wish for more pleasant dreams
But even my best memories
Cannot always keep the monsters at bay

And when I remember those times of joy, I wonder
If they were naught but beautiful dreams
Created by a mind which longed for peace
A hope fueled fantasy
Which has faded into dim remembrance

I search for the mistake
The one which opened the doorway
And allowed these demons access to my mind
But no matter how I try I cannot find it
My search yields nothing

The gate will not hold forever
The shadows are breaking through
I wish for peace