Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Warning Label

As a child, no one gave me fair warning
None told me love was full of pain and tears
My mother did not sit me down and warn me
That after love, despair is all you hear

Perhaps if they had told me of the pain
The sorrow and the heartache that would follow
Then from all of this I would have abstained
Then my heart would not feel quite so hollow

I think now of the quote "to love and lose"
And wonder if for me, the quote holds true
Once happy memories, now bring the blues
And smiles now for me are rare and few

Yet through my tears your love has brought me light
Has altered me, forever changed my sight


Four letters
One syllable
Sounds like shove
My hearts been shoved down a flight of stairs

First letter is L
As in Lost
I seem to be lost without you

Last letter is E
As in Endless
Sometimes this heartache seems endless

Second letter is O
As in Obedient
My heart followed obediently to its destruction

Third letter is V
As in Victorious
In Love, Heartache is the only Victor

Synonyms include
(Thief, Sorrow)


and Fondness

Definitions include:
a strong positive emotion of regard and affection
butterflies and giggling
any object of warm affection or devotion
knowing all else pales in comparison
beloved, a beloved person
having meaning and value greater than all the world combined
be enamored or in love with
feeling complete

Commonly associated words:
Loss, heartache despair,

Friday, April 16, 2010

Heart Ache

My heart crumbles within my chest
Soon there will be naught but ashes
But still my mind won't turn itself from thoughts of you
This pain within, I cannot banish
And though I know you have finnished loving me,
I cannot let you go
Because I do not feel like I have finished loving you

It hurts more than just from losing you though,
Part of the pain is from not thinking it was worth talking about
Before it got this far,
For giving up on me like this,
Making me feel 13 years old again
In a new foster home
Hoping this time they would love me enough to keep me
That this time they wouldn't send me back
When they realized I was not
In fact perfect

And though rationally,
I know that you are finished with me
I can't help but hope
Deep deep inside
That you can forgive me