Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Key to my Castle (Is Yours) ♥

My heart, it is a stone castle of old,
With a stone gate which gardens do surround
The multitude pass by, it is unfound
But in the garden tread some of the bold

And further still, into the parlor some
Are entertained with high tea for the day
Then most depart and even fewer stay,
To wander corridors, some light, some glum,

A select few have rooms, should they depart,
Open for them, these rooms shall always be,
But unto you have I given the key
The key to every room within my heart

The second that you walked in through the doors
I saw then that my heart was always yours

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Letter to my Beloved

This day mine eye looked into heaven's face,
And gazed upon the beauty passing there,
And contemplated then thy simple grace,
Compared to thee, the heavens seemed not fair

The light thee radiates, thy wit and charm,
Hath thus enraptured both mine heart and mind
Even the stout of heart, thee will disarm
With but thy smile, the sad will, thus, joy find

Thou art the sun, a bright and stately thing,
That though a cloud may overshadow thee
The light and beauty which thou alwayst brings,
Shines ever through, and can by all, be seen

Thou art so great, thy radiance so fair,
However far I be, it reach me there

Friday, May 21, 2010

For Sarah

To my love, my knight, my light;
To my angel, shining bright,
Golden sun and ray of dawn,
And when the whole world is gone,
My love for you will still live on